On my own, here I go….


A crooked spine, My senses dulled, Passed the point of delirium~ Brain Stew

So I had this conversation the other day. It went something like this:

Lady: Cannabis is awesome!! It makes me feel so much better!!

Me: Yeah its amazing! Do you know about Phoenix Tears/Rick Simpson Oil? It will cure ANY disease! New Research from out west is showing us the reason we have so much disease even with modern medicine is because we are so deficient from cannabinoids being illegal for almost 100 years!

Lady: Yeah right! It may cure some people’s disease but it won’t cure mine!

Me: You don’t have to believe it but its still true! Go watch Run From The Cure 

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The Man

I haven’t heard back from this lady since she went to watch the video but maybe she finally believes me? So for those of you that have heard of Rick Simpson Oil/Phoenix Tears/FECO (Full Extract Cannabis Oil)(FECO or RSO) you may know a couple of things about it. You probably know that it can cure cancer. I did. It was my first run in with RSO. What I did not know at the time was that it will reverse ANY disease. Thankfully, my lovely cousin filled me in. She explained what RSO/FECO could do. I didn’t believe it either. Until I started to take it. I had a bone graft taken from my hip to go over the metal put into my back about 5 years ago. Since then, I have very little pain from my back, but an almost constant pain where the bone graft was taken from, on my hip. When I started the RSO, that pain was GONE for the first time in 5 years. It wasn’t just better, it was non-existent. I couldn’t believe it. I went straight back to said cousin and apologized profusely for laughing at her passion for Rick Simpson Oil.

You see many years ago I resigned myself to the fact that the most I could hope for was an improvement on the constant pain that I lived with every day. For the first time in almost 12 years, I could see an end to that pain. My migraines improved and I went almost an entire week without a migraine. I went outside without sunglasses on, something I haven’t done in a DECADE, and I didn’t realize it for almost an hour!! So, believe me or don’t, but it’s still true! In a process developed by someone much smarter than I am, you can replace the cannabinoids your endocannabinoid system needs with RSO. You begin by taking very small amounts of the oil 3 times a day, increasing your dose slowly. This is because RSO is 99.99% THC. It is surprisingly easy to make and you can get several uses out of your bud as well.

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The Protocol

Coming Next: How to make Rick Simpson Oil

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We stay high- (Cannabis Milk/Bhang)



A lovely little addition to your repertoire is cannabis milk. It is super easy to make. There is a drink they make in India, called Bhang, with cannabis milk. I will also give you this recipe as well. First, and most importantly, you must use full fat whipping cream. Cannabis needs the fat in order to bind to the milk/cream. Whole and 2% milk will NOT work so don’t waste your bud! Once the milk is made you can use it tons of different ways! Pour into ice cube trays for serving size coffee creamer. Put directly into recipes, like cheesecake. Several ounces of the milk will be a serving size, depending on how much flower you put into your original mixture.

Cannabis Milk/Cream

As always, your very first step is to deoxycarbolate (decarb) your whole flower. If you want to grind it up in a coffee grinder first, you can throw in seeds and stems as well. It all has THC in it! For directions on how to do this, check out I Get Lifted (with magic butter)…. 

In a small pot on a medium heat, add flower that has be decarbed to your heavy whipping cream. For each pint of whipping cream, add at least 1/8th of flower. The nice thing about making milk is you do not need a great deal of bud to achieve a good milk. You can add more if you wish to make a stronger product, just remember to adjust accordingly. Since this is a dairy product, you must be aware to not bring it to a high boil. Keep your mixture at a low simmer, checking and stirring every 15-20 minutes. After an hour or so, you will notice the flower will be less and less green. This means the THC is leeching into your cream. However, you will barely notice a change in color for your cream/milk mixture. At most, it will be a darker yellow or light green.

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You can put coffee filters into the strainer to help strain plant matter out most efficiently. Strain and enjoy! 


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2 C. Water

1/4 cannabis flower

3 cups warm milk

1/2 cup sugar

1 Tbl. coconut milk

1 Tbl. ground almonds

1/2 tea. ground ginger

pinch garam masala

1 tea. grenadine


Boil water in a pot and add cannabis. Cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Remove from heat, add 2 Tbl. of milk and stir. Keep stirring and add ground almonds. Strain the mixture to remove plant matter and transfer to a bowl. Add remaining milk, coconut milk, and grenadine. Mix together while adding ginger, sugar, and garam masala. Leave to chill in the fridge for a couple of hours before serving. Garnish with rose petals or mint leaves.

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Bhang is often a traditional drink served during holidays like Holi-a Hindu festival of love and colors celebrated in India. 

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I Get Lifted (with magic butter)…



There are several ways to make canna-butter, but they all start with deoxycarbolization. When you smoke THC, you convert an inactive THC molecule to an active THC molecule. However, when you bake, this reaction doesn’t happen so you have to force it. Grind up your bud with a coffee grinder and lay it on cookie sheet mostly flat. After preheating the oven to 225, put cookie sheet in the oven for 20-25 minutes. Different cannabinoids convert at different temperatures so if you put the oven on 248, you will convert CBD instead. Because of this, the temperature is important. When your bud/flower is completely or nearly completely decarbed, you will begin to smell it throughout your home. Remove it and put into a crock pot. You can also use a saucepan, but it is much more likely to burn here so you have to watch it VERY closely.

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For 1 ounce of bud you will use 1 lb (4 sticks) of butter. You MUST use butter because cannabis binds to FAT!! Melt the butter and add 1/2 stick at a time to the crock pot, stirring in between each time. Set the crock pot on low. Check every 20-30 minutes, making sure that the simmer isn’t too high. This is especially important if you are using a pot on the stove. Allow to simmer for 2 to 3 hours, then turn off and allow to soak overnight. In the morning, turn the crock pot/burner back on for another hour.   Strain with cheesecloth (or a regular strainer) or even a coffee filter to remove plant matter. Enjoy!

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Several other methods include using a pot on the stove or water in butter method. The crock pot will give you the most consistent temperature with the least possibility of burning your product. Feel free to ask questions!

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